Meet the teams: GO

Lead by SFIV EVO Champion Luffy, team “G. O.” is so French they even define themselves as “Parisian”. As anyone would expect, there is way more than meets the eye here.


If all four members of the team come from the suburbs of Paris, a lot more is going on with the SFVCE team created by GO (Gamers Origin), an esports club that has been around since 2011.


Having known one another for over ten years, the four neighbours share a special connection that makes for really strong mutual support within the team. They also could meet face-to-face for all preparation, as often as needed, ignoring netcode.


As he did during the last SFL – ProUS competition, Luffy usually plays as Karin or R. Mika, while JuniorLéo and Saltmine League Season XII winner Akainu respectively play as Ken and Guile. SFIV World top-ranked player Valmaster completes this “classical” trend by the frequent use of Chun-Li. In case of an unexpected turn, JunioLéo also mains as Luke.


Competition will be fierce during the tournament, but it has especially been strong between France and the UK. Indeed, Luffy secretly dreams of a new 10v10 between the two nations.